Camera Tow Bar Receiver on KITT
A question that we get over and over again is, what is that metal bar showing under the front nose of KITT, and what purpose does it serve? Well, we have the answer to that question, and its called a Camera Tow Bar Receiver and would be connected from a camera car so they could pull KITT around. This receiver would let the camera crew tow KITT around for individual shots they need to do on set each day.
The first receiver made for the show was welded to the car underneath for Season 1 & 2 and just the beginning for the start of the 3rd. As the 3rd Season took off, they decided to redesign the camera bar to be less visible in the camera shots and used two pins to connect to KITT, which was easier for them to hook up and disconnect.
For some reason, this look has become a sought after part for many Replica owners, and Knight Designs is in the process of making them. So stay tuned as we get excited to release these 100% accurate camera receiver tow bars.
Check out “Our Build” gallery to follow us along our journey of building the worlds most accurate pilot KITT Replica.
While you are on our site, check out our thousands of HD Screenshots from the series, many of which are being used to help nail down the details on our car. These details are what will make this car stand above even the best replicas out there today!
There is so much more we will be talking about, so stay tuned and remember one blog can make a difference!
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