Knight Rider: A Shadowy Flight
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"A Shadowy Flight: The Unofficial Guide to Knight Rider" began life on June 9, 1995. By the summer of 1997, the book was complete and a very limited number of copies were made available to the public (Incidentally, for those keeping track, there are two versions of this great book out there: the "standard" edition and the "Knightcon 97" edition (released only at the Knightcon fan event in Orlando, FL). Both contain the same information, just different covers). The next book written on the series, "Knight Rider Legacy", came out in 2002.
While "Knight Rider Legacy" focuses on the behind the scenes aspect of the series, "A Shadowy Flight" focuses on the background information for the characters on the show – everyone from Michael Knight to Roger, Marta Simmons' dog in "Knight of the Juggernaut"!
The original version of this book included more than just the "Knight Rider Encyclopedia" – others sections included a Premise, Working Titles, Collectibles, Have You Ever Noticed, a Trivia Test, Episode Guide, and Memorable Quotes. Those sections were left out of this second edition simply because all that information is covered (extremely in-depth) in "Knight Rider Legacy". This second edition focuses specifically on the characters from the series for this book. Besides, the encyclopedia portion is over 250 pages as it is! So go watch your favorite episode and look up information on every character with this book. Enjoy!